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Craft Better New Years Resolutions with

Learn how AI can help you plan achievable goals in the New Year

By Matty Reed
January 2, 2024

Think of something you want to achieve this year.

Maybe you want to improve your fitness, maybe you want that promotion, or maybe you want to be a better parent.

Unfortunately, you live a very busy life and you might not know where to start or how to make the time. In fact, you may have made similar New Year’s Resolutions in the past, only to see the time slip by without much progress. Stating a goal is the easy part. The hard part is turning that goal into an actionable plan. Clarifying our nebulous resolutions and paving the road ahead in concrete timeblocks on the calendar.

Fortunately, there are new AI tools, like, that can help you clarify and operationalize your New Year's Resolution into a plan that would set you on the path to achievement.

But before we get to how AI can help, let’s establish a simple framework for goal setting.

A Simple Goal Setting Framework

The first step is to be intentional with what you want to achieve or who you want to become. The next step is to clarify your goal into manageable–and measurable–chunks. Then, schedule blocks on your calendar.

  1. Choose your goal with intention
  2. Clarify your goal into a plan with measurable metrics
  3. Schedule time on your calendar

That’s it. Easy right? 

Well, not quite. Just knowing the steps doesn't make it easy. Let’s explore these steps a bit more and see how AI can help.

1. Choose Your Goal

We sort of know what we want, but it is usually a bit unclear how to set realistic meaningful goals, much less operationalize and execute them.

Choosing a goal with intention also means understanding why you are choosing it.

Say your New Year’s Resolution is to “lose weight”. 

Losing weight is just the surface level goal. Go one level deeper and you may find that your real goal is to be healthier and more attractive so that you can lead a more fulfilling life.

Intentionality is the name of the game when it comes to goal setting. Don’t set goals because it’s what you think others expect of you, set goals because you want to become a better version of yourself.

2. Clarify Your Goal

Pick any self-help or productivity book, slide it off the shelf, and open it to the first chapter after the intro. Odds are you will see some version of “set clear goals”. 

This is where you might feel the urge to put down the book. It’s not that the advice is bad, it’s that the prospect of setting clear goals is daunting.

While setting your goal can be a fairly straightforward process, clarifying that goal into manageable chunks can seem downright overwhelming. You want to improve your fitness, but where do you get started and how do you measure progress?

Enter: LifeAlign. 

LifeAlign is an AI chatbot designed to walk you through these steps–to help you clarify your goals into actionable plans with measurable metrics, then schedule the time on your calendar. 

This is a personal goal setting coach trained on expert advice, timeless best practices, and modern science and psychology. 

Oh, and it’s  free for anyone with a GPT Plus account (soon to be released free for everyone).

LifeAlign will take your big vague New Year’s Resolution and break it down. It’s basically like having a text conversation with an experienced life coach.

Once you tell it what you want, it will ask you questions to clarify your goal and build a custom plan. The more specifics you give it, the more optimized the plan.

And, it will give you guidance on how to measure progress toward your goal.

LifeAlign is also useful for scheduling.

3. Schedule on your Calendar

If it’s not on your calendar it’s not real. ― Tim Ferriss

The final step in our goal setting process is to schedule time on your calendar. 

LifeAlign can help with this too.

It will continue to ask clarifying questions and proposing personalized plans. Once you are satisfied with your plan, LifeAlign will try to generate a .ICS file that can be imported into your calendar.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Just because we were intentional about setting clear goals and scheduling time to achieve them, doesn’t ensure we actually do. In fact, what comes after the goal setting is more challenging than all the previous steps.

Hold yourself accountable to your goals. 

There is a reason the LifeAlign AI clarified our goals into actionable plans with measurable metrics. We need these metrics in order to track progress and understand if we are moving toward or away from our goals.  

How do you know if you’re losing or gaining weight? Maybe you can tell by looking in a mirror after the first 10 pounds, but what if those 10 pounds were in the wrong direction? 

Unfortunately, while LifeAlign can try to hold you accountable with regular check-ins, it cannot help you measure progress unless you’re tracking the metrics. And without those metrics, LifeAlign is fairly limited in helping you achieve your goals or actualize your new identity.

Fortunately, LifeAlign has a cousin named TimeAlign that can help with that.

TimeAlign is a tool that helps you align your daily activities with your long-term aspirations by closing the feedback loop on time management. In other words, TimeAlign helps operationalize your plans and track progress towards goals.

If you are interested in learning more about TimeAlign and holding yourself accountable to your New Year’s Resolutions, check out the TimeAlign website and sign up to join our waitlist!

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